F.A.C. Church History Binders

The First Apostolic Council is happy to provide you with pictures, church history and other historical information about our local assemblies.  Upon arrival, be sure to check the lobby areas for a table display with church history binders like the ones featured above.

To begin creating an information binder for your assembly, simply click the link below and print the form.   Complete the form by adding the appropriate information and gather the following materials:

  1. A clear picture of your church building

  2. A good picture of your pastor

  3. A good picture of your pastor and First Lady

  4. A concise (authoritative) church history

  5. Additional pictures of the saints, church events, baptisms and other progress.

Mail your materials to:

Dr. L. McNeese
Historian First Apostolic Council KY & TN
P. O. Box 2265
Clarksville, TN 37042

You may bring your materials to the council and dropped them off at the security office.  Your binder will be created and posted for display at the following council session.

Be sure to make them as beautiful, interesting and inviting as possible.

Need assistance creating your binder? No problem!

Click here: assistsecretary98@lmcneese.com